مدل های GPS از برند Hopf

Hopf GPS 8100
مشخصات فنی GPS برند Hopf
The system supports both single and dual / redundant power supplies (PSU) to ensure higher availability. Power supplies are available for DC input voltages 24VDC (18 – 36VDC), 48VDC (36 – 76VDC), 110VDC (60 – 160VDC), wide range DC input voltages 19 – 75VDC and wide range AC/DC input voltages 85 – 264VAC (50Hz / 60Hz) / 125 – 250VDC. The DC voltage power supplies feature redundant power inputs for connection of two power sources to a single power supply. In the version with redundant power supplies, the available power supplies can be combined as required. Up to six extension slots are available for time domain controller boards (time signal input from time source), service provider boards (time signal output / distribution to customer application), and management controller boards. A variety of time service provider consumer boards is available for, among others: The 8100 product series time domain controllers facilitate evaluation of time signals from multiple satellite systems freely configurable for GPS, Galileo, GLONASS and BeiDou. On receiver and firmware level the time domain controllers implement consistency checks and statistical tests on features such as automatic gain control (AGC), clock error, signal quality, signal power, propagation delay and the angle of arrival in order to safeguard error-free and leap-free time signal evaluation. In case of signal loss due to antenna failure or identification of time signal mismatch due to jamming or spoofing attacks the time domain controller clock automatically switches to the integrated oscillator circuit holdover ensuring the oscillator dependent freewheeling accuracy. For unprecedented availability redundant time domain and multiple redundant time source configurations with prioritizable fall back time sources are supported.
- Network time synchronization using Network Time Protocol (NTP / SNTP), SIMATIC NET SINEC H1 Time Datagram or IEEE 1588™-2019 Precision Time Protocol (PTP) with support for IEC 61850-9-3:2016 profile for power utility automation and IEEE Std C37.238™-2017 power profile
- IRIG-B and DCF77 signal output (demodulated / modulated)
- Programmable cyclic pulse (PPS, PPM, PPH)
- Serial time datagram (e. g.hopf Standard, IEC-103, ABB Melody / Freelance, Trimble TSIP, SAT1703 / SICAM RTU)
- Signal distribution via electrical or fiber-optic signal output.